Portfolio Management for Carbon Removals

As the market leader in permanent carbon removals (CDRs), ClimeFi partners with companies to build and de-risk their certified CDRs assets

ClimeFi specialises in helping companies to build their permanent CDR portfolios

By combining deep client engagement, extensive experience, and detailed project insights we can deliver cost-efficient, low risk approaches for executing and managing CDR purchases

ClimeFi is trusted by Leading CDR buyers and Climate Pioneers

End-to-end solutions to support corporate carbon removal ambitions

At ClimeFi, we combine unparalleled project and market analysis with effective carbon removal solutions, leading to a seamless and informed carbon removal journey for buyers



Gain access to unique set of data, comprehensive benchmarks, detailed project ratings, and in-depth insights into carbon removal projects


Streamline your carbon removal transactions with efficient project sourcing, RFP management, and portfolio structuring, to ensure a smoother and faster process

Portfolio Management

Gain active and dynamic insights into portfolio monitoring, covering areas such as risk management, non-delivery replacement, and registry and retirement services


Removal Pathways

At ClimeFi, our mission is rooted in permanence. We specialise in climate solutions designed for long-term impact, ensuring carbon is sequestered for at least 500 years. We adopt a portfolio approach to maximise deliveries for our clients while mitigating financial risks in these emerging pathways. Our solutions feature:

Direct Air Capture

Biomass Carbon Removal

Enhanced Weathering

Marine Carbon Removal

Direct Air Capture
Biomass Carbon Removal -
Enhanced Weathering & Mineralisation
Ocean CDR


  • How can ClimeFi support my company's climate strategy sustainability initiatives?
    ClimeFi helps organisations on their net zero journey by facilitating access to high-quality and permanent carbon removal solutions. We offer intelligence, end-to-end transaction management, including project sourcing, ratings, rigorous due diligence, ongoing monitoring, and efficient credit delivery. We strive to simplify the purchasing process for our Buyers while minimising the risks involved.
  • Why does ClimeFi only focus on permanent carbon removals?
    By developing deep expertise on highly technical projects that remove carbon for thousands of years with low risks of reversal, ClimeFi ensures that companies can secure CDRs that comply with the strictest standards and future regulatory frameworks for their residual emissions.
  • Is there enough high-quality carbon removal supply?
    Currently, the high-quality carbon removal supply is limited and does not meet the growing demand. With limited available carbon removal credits and low market liquidity, Buyers are increasingly prioritising long-term supply agreements. These commitments are essential for project financing and development. By sourcing future carbon removals, Buyers not only secure their stream of credits to meet their future climate obligations but also play a pivotal role in expanding the overall carbon removal market.
  • How expensive are permanent carbon removals?
    The price per tonne of permanent carbon removals can range from $100 to up to $800 per tonne. The price can greatly vary depending on the technology used, its location or maturity. Commercial terms such as transaction volumes and delivery timelines also play an important role. ClimeFi leverages its expertise to guide you through these complexities and identify the ideal solution for your needs.
  • What is ClimeFi's business model?
    ClimeFi charges a fixed price to Buyers for intelligence access, and a fee for transaction and portfolio management services. ClimeFi never trades or speculate on the price of carbon removals and our fees are always separate from the credits price, providing full transparency for Buyers and Suppliers. We never get remunerated by the projects, ensuring an unbiased view of the Supply, and making ClimeFi the partner of choice for Buyers.
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Start Your Carbon Removal Journey Today

Join ClimeFi in our mission for a sustainable future: explore our innovative solutions, gain insights, and become a part of the change towards a Net-Zero world.